Subscription Terms
By subscribing to IlluminAge’s AgeWise Weekly Content Service (referred to below as “AgeWise Weekly Content” or, simply, “AWC”,) subscriber organization agrees to the following terms and conditions:
Eligibility. AgeWise Weekly Content Service is offered by invitation to qualifying organizations only. By submitting its subscription application, an organization expressly represents and affirms that it is an organization, provider, or distinct operating unit that provides senior care, senior living, healthcare, and/or aging services at a single location or facility, serving a primarily local and community-focused market. We review each subscription application and reserve the right, without limitation, to accept or decline subscription requests.
Group and Multi-Site Subscriptions. AgeWise Weekly Content Service is available for multi-site and group subscribers. Please call or email for specifics, including group and multi-site rates.
Cost. Subscription rates are:
- Regular subscriber and community-based organization, facility, or location: $119/mo.
- Same, but with IlluminAge client discount: $99/mo.
Quarterly Invoicing. AWC is billed quarterly via email. Payment is due within 30 days of the invoice and may be made online with PayPal or major credit or debit card or by check. A subscriber’s first invoice will include pro-rated charges for the month in which the subscription is accepted and becomes active, together with charges for the three following months. Overdue accounts will be subject to suspension and/or a reactivation service charge of $200.
Permitted Uses. AWC items are licensed for subscriber use only in the following communication formats: print newsletter or information flyer, email marketing, online newsletter, website content, blog post, and/or Facebook or other comparable social media post. Subscriber expressly agrees that it will use such items only in communications which are specifically and solely branded to itself. Except as otherwise noted, AWC content items may only be used in their entirety.
Content Source. AWC content is a mix of: (i) items created by and proprietary to IlluminAge; and (ii) content selected from public domain sources and edited and/or adapted for AWC subscriber use by IlluminAge. As to all AWC content items all rights are reserved by IlluminAge, except as expressly licensed to subscriber under these Subscription Terms.
Content Is Licensed for Subscriber Use Only. Subscriber organization expressly agrees to the following limitations on its use of AWC content:
- Subscriber will not, either directly or indirectly, share AWC content access and use privileges with any affiliated or unaffiliated organization, and will only use such content for its own purposes within the scope of these Subscription Terms.
- Subscriber will not grant or attempt to grant reprint privileges with respect to any AWC content item, as posted and used by subscriber, without first notifying and obtaining permission of IlluminAge. Local media reprints are encouraged and permission requests are welcome and will be processed promptly.
- Subscriber will not share with or divulge to others its AgeWise subscriber log-in information.
- Subscriber will promptly report to IlluminAge any loss, suspected loss, unauthorized use of, or suspected unauthorized use of its subscriber log-in information.
Subscriber to Include Footer in any Use of Content. When an AgeWise content item includes a footer section containing source information, copyright notice, and/or other attribution wording, subscriber must include the footer in its full, original format when posting or otherwise placing the item in use.
Other Use of Companion Images Prohibited. Images included with AgeWise content items may only be used as provided in the item created by IlluminAge. Any other use or reuse of any image provided as part of an AgeWise article or longer post is expressly prohibited.
Modifying AgeWise Items. Except as specifically allowed here, Subscriber may not edit or modify AgeWise content items provided under this arrangement. However, Subscriber may make minor internal changes to add additional relevant links and/or text about the Subscriber and the services or care it provides, so long as such changes (i) do not alter the substance and character of the item and (ii) have been carefully proofed for correct spelling and grammar.
Cancellation by Subscriber. Subscriber may cancel its subscription at any time with such cancellation taking effect on the first day of the next quarterly billing period. If a subscriber cancels its AgeWise subscription, it may continue to download and use content items through the end of the current billing quarter. When the current billing quarter ends and the cancellation becomes effective subscriber may continue using content as already posted or otherwise placed in use but will not commence any new use or deployment of downloaded AWC content items.
Cancellation by IlluminAge. IlluminAge reserves the right to cancel immediately any subscription: (i) for non-payment of its invoices within the agreed 30 day terms; or (ii) for any use or action inconsistent with subscriber’s obligations under these Subscription Terms. Upon notice of immediate cancellation under this section, subscriber must remove all AgeWise content both from active use and from any file storage location.
IlluminAge also reserves the right to discontinue this service or a subscriber’s subscription to this service without cause but agrees not to do so on less than 30 days’ advance notice. In such a not-for-cause cancellation, a fully paid-up subscriber may continue to use and save for future use content items it has downloaded prior to the effective date of such cancellation.
Modification of Subscription Terms. IlluminAge reserves the right to modify these Subscription Terms of Use from time to time with 30 days’ notice to subscribers.